A computing utility that allows instant computation at your desktop. It is a new kind of calculator that can calculate with units.
Dicom calculates, converts and computes. The first ever computing tool that deals with dimensions of physical quantities in mathematical expression, Dicom, has the answer to expression like: 30 mi./h.+6 ft./s.+15.24 m./s. to ft./s. Dicom can evaluate expressions anywhere in a rich text formatted document. It has a built-in rich text editor.
Dicom can meet your calculation needs, be it simple, scientific, financial, mathematical, statistical, or you name it. Process your words, numbers, and measurements at one place.
Yes, conventional software based calculator usually simulates the real calculators. Dicom has a calculator which is very different. It is rather an expression evaluator. And probably for the first time, you can evaluate dimensional expression. It has a Unit Converter too. That allows you to quickly convert from one unit to another. And as stated already, it has a built in rich text editor that can process texts as well as dimensional expressions.
6*5/3+2-1 is a mathematical expression, for example. This expression is dimension-less. The result of the expression is 11. But it is just a number and does not represent any physical quantity like length, mass, time, etc., unless you explicitly mention what it represents.
Dicom will happily respond to that, giving you the result, which is of course 100 ft./s.